and because I have a bit of time to myself this morning, I thought I'd give you a play by play of life in room West 415. Let's see, I'll start with last night.
10:30 pm: After an all afternoon monitering session on a very uncomfortable bed, I was exhausted and weary and accepted half an ambian to help me sleep. The reason I had rejected it thus far was that last time I took half an ambian was to help me sleep on a plane and I hallucinated. The movie screen I was watching split into two screens and I started freaking out asking Joel if he too was seeing two Sandra Bullocks and two Hugh Grants. He finally convinced me to close my eyes and go to sleep but I remained a little leery of ever trying it again. So last night I gave it a try, turned OFF the television screen, asked mom if she could "smell the rain" (I meant "hear the rain", and dozed off.
2:00am: Aide comes in to take my temp and blood pressure. I am able to go back to sleep.
4:00am: Temp and blood pressure again. Not able to go back to sleep. Wide awake. Maybe I should try the whole pill next time around.
5:30am: After trying to push visions out of my head of operating rooms and csections, I finally sit up and turn on the lights. Sorry mom, the day is now beginning.Mom gets up to take a shower and we get a bit of Bible time in before the troops start knocking on the door.
6:45am: Grey's Anatomy team one comes in. Outdoorsy resident and a medical student are glad to see I'm awake and ask about labor signs,bleeding,infection, etc.Thankfully, there are still none.
7:00am: Sweet nurse comes in to give me my oral (not IV-yippie!) antibiotics.
7:15am: Get a little sleepy and lay back down for a few minutes until housecleaning knocks and comes in to empty trash cans, etc.
7:45am: Joelie comes--hurray! The best part of the morning. We were both refreshed from a little sleep and he was a sight for sore eyes. He stayed until about 9:30 when mom took him up to the U.
8:15am: Perinatologist comes in to check and he is without his Grey's following.Joel asked him some questions about the labor and the bottom line seems to be: Amelia is head down, Sam is still transverse. If I was to go into labor now the labor plan would be a Csection. If the babies make it until 32 weeks when their weight should be about 1500 grams they could attempt a breech extraction on Sam instead of going straight for a csection. If Sam turns head down than a vaginal birth could be attempted, even at this early in the game. Either way, I'll be giving birth in the OR. Thus my daydreams this morning with OR's and Csections abounding. Many of you know that my natural inclination would be to give birth to my babies under a willow tree if possible, or at least in my home in a birthing tub. So, this is quite an adjustment in thinking for me. It is one I have been trying to make since finding out that we were expecting twins, knowing that they often present more complicated birth situations. And here we are. I have millions of thoughts on the issue, but for now will just say that of course the main thing is that the babies are born as safely as possible and that I am totally willing to adjust my thinking as I have found myself wondering around in the 15% of births that are truly "high risk". That being said, I still think America is heading in the wroooong direction as far as how much they are medicalizing birth. My daydreams did include some pretty good speeches to the throngs of people watching the birth in the OR...words that I'm sure will never be said but that are in my heart nevertheless. Ahem, end of rant.
9:00am: Paid some bills, returned some e-mails, said goodbye to mom and Joel. Called Becca Mcminn and had a very short conversation before being interuppted by another knock on the door.
9:00- 9:20am: Visited with the midwife student,Amy, who was here when Joel and I got here on Sat.She is all naturally beautiful with the kindest of eyes, part of a boy/girl twin set herself, and just a breath of fresh air.
9:30: Social worker comes for a visit and lets me know that I don't have to wear this lovely maternity hospital gown all the time. Nice to know! I mean we talked about lots of other things, but that was the most important for sure:) Next comes the little cafeteria man. I love when he comes because he has a Scottish accent and I could listen to him talk about menu choices all morning long:)
And thus the morning continues.....I should be going in for more monitering soon.Hopefully it will be a bit more brief than it was yesterday.
Thanks again for all of your comments and e-mails and phone calls and visits.Hopefully with a bit more sleep I'll feel more like chatting...but always love to get your e-mails and hear how you guys are all doing. Most of all thanks for your continued prayers for these precious ones. I'll let you know if there are any noteworthy changes this afternoon in the life of Room West 415...Jen