Sunday, April 29, 2007

Little big guy....

Tonight Amelia weighed in at 3 lbs 3 oz and Sam is following close behind closing in on the 3lb marker. Though they are obviously still more tiny than you can imagine, we are noticing how much they have changed in just (almost) 3 short weeks. Tonight I noticed it in Sam especially and so here is a picture....

They are both hanging in there...Amelia is back under the jaundice lights and they both had "breathing spells" today where they needed help remembering to take breaths...each day brings with it preemie struggles but on the whole they are doing very well. Thank you very much for your continued prayers for these precious babies...I tell them each day that they are already loved and lifted up by many. We feel strengthened by your love, Jen


Court said...

Wow! What a difference 3 weeks makes....what a cutie pie! We continue to pray for you guys and the roller coaster that you're all on. So glad to hear of their weight gain!!! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jenny! Sam is precious. He has really changed in the past three weeks. Know that you, Joel, Sam and Amelia are continually in our prayers.

ashley said...

The girls were asking this morning if there were any new pictures of the little babies.

Sam it just too cute!

I'm so glad to hear that they are gaining and weight and doing well. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Jenny, He is amazing. You can see the weight gain, what a blessing, he is incredibly beautiful. The only unsolicited advice I ever give new parents is to really look at them everyday. See their beautiful faces, notice their expressions, burn them into your memory. It sounds like you are already doing that. There is a song by John Lennon. It's called "Beautiful Boy" Joel might gag you may not like either but I love it. Your Mom may remember it. love,b

Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny and Joel. Wowee! I almost cried to see Sam's beautiful, tube-free little face and the twins together---Amelia with her little arm around her brother! That's the kind of connection my friend Michele reported about her triplets. SO SORRY to hear of Joel's accident! If it's any comfort, there's a veggie lasagna in my freezer with your name on it . . . how about Friday the 11th? Let me know if there's a better time. Hugs, Liz Wilcox.