Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Things are about to get interesting....

We thought Amelia was busy when she started grabbing,pulling, and chewing on everything in sight. The diving,scooting,starting to crawl stage takes things to a whole different level:)


ann.e said...

i love it - go amelia!

Anonymous said...

next up-clanging pots and pans in the kitchen,then child safety latches :)

Joel Sr

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I saw a lady with tripplets today at Chickfila. That is just not right when a mom only has two hands. I was so anxious for her the whole time I couldn't enjoy my food. It was quite crazy.

Shanyn Zink said...

Jen, what is that? I take it that's Amelia taking a head dive off the couch? Go, Amelia - Gusto Girl!!!
Sammy? Sammy? Sammy'll probably just watch A for awhile and then stand up and go,"Okay, Anybody want go outside for a stroll?"

Jenny said...

Yes, Shanny, it is Amelia taking a nose dive to retrieve a toy off the floor! I was sitting beside her uploading pictures onto the blog (imagine that!) and caught her as she started to fall over. I just had to unplug the camera and hold her there while I got the shot:) Yes, I'm sure Sam was sitting on the floor quietly playing with a book! Sweet, unique babies is what they are.

Jami said...

I sure am glad Shanyn asked what that was a picture of, because I was not sure either..........I mean, apparently it was the wrong end of a baby, but, which one and doing what?! Glad you cleared that up......oh, and the whole grabbing the camera to get the shot, while the child is in MORTAL danger........you have officially joined the "Mom, I can't believe you did that when I was little" club!

Jenny said...

While we are critiquing posts, I'm ready for a new one on Perfectly Mia!!!

Thanks and love you, Jen