Sammy says, "Man I am so tired. Again!"
"I'm trying to be happy mom, I really am!"
"Thanks for trying to make me laugh sister, but I just can't!"
"Dad, you wouldn't believe how hard my day was!!!"
It is so pitiful. We are all a mess.A big, tired mess. Well, Joel and Sammy and I are.
Amelia has been such a trooper. She is quite busy scooting around, getting herself stuck, finding things on the floor to play with like this fruit snack bag, etc.etc. I was so thankful for my Miss Independent today so that I could focus on Sam as much as possible. Here are some pictures of her in action...
Amelia says, "Oh hi Mama,look what I found! It's OK if I play with it, right?"
"It's really fun to get to do whatever I want. I promise not to get stuck more than 5 times today because I know you're really busy with brother:) "
Anyway, hopefully our little guy will be on the mend soon. Oh how it hurts to see your babies feel so yucky. I'll leave you with a few recent pictures of happier times:) There have been two days warm enough to sit in the back yard for a while--yay!! Amelia loved playing with the grass(it was her first time!) and Sam loved looking at the lights and shadows. The picture with Willow makes me smile. She likes to be around us but still doesn't know quite what to do around the babes. So, she often gets close enough to feel part of the group but turns around and stares the other direction:) I love the pictures of them in their gowns. It looks like Amelia is saying, "Sam, what are we wearing?!" I thought they looked so adorable in them--thanks Granny and Papa! Hopefully Sam will be back to this playful self soon. Hope you all are having a great weekend, Jen
Poor baby! I hope Sammy feels much better real soon! So glad that Miss Amelia is Miss Independent :) (for now, right?!) Hope you guys have a much better day today! Much love...
poor little fella :(
anne + vera
I know what you mean - anytime your baby hurts, you hurt. Have you tried a frozen wet washrag? That might help with the teeth and the soothe the sore throat. I know - helpful hints aren't so helpful sometimes :) Love you!!
Uncle Bub sends get well soon vibes from the Vegas airport. Love you guys!
- Bub and Robin
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