Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer's End...

We are soaking up the last of this warm weather and sunshine. Sitting out in the front yard reading books, hiking on the weekends, walking to the museum instead of driving,etc. We hiked the Secret Lake trail on Sunday afternoon and it was pretty much wonderful. I just kept thinking how much I love to be outside as a family. For us to get to see Sam and Amelia gain confidence, build endurance, balance on rocks, stare in wonder at bugs and flowers and chipmunks. There really isn't much that I love more.

My favorite things on this particular hike were hearing Amelia's little outbursts of self-confidence like, " I'm really good at this!" "I can do anything!" She did show a lot of improvement in her willingness to keep going when she got tired! I also loved hearing her burst out in random mother goose songs and rhymes like, "Cock a doodle doo, my dame has lost her shoe, my master lost his fiddle stick and doesn't know what to do!" :)

With Sam, as always, my favorite thing is hearing him say things like, " Isn't this beautiful mama?" "Dad, look at this crazy bug!" " We're hiking Mama, I like to hike!" He is still our little nature lover and appreciator and always says the most wonderful things when we are outdoors.

I also love catching up with Joelie. We always have the best talks when hiking. Or should I say, I have a captive audience when we hike:)

Anyway, as we head into Fall, I greet it with a grateful heart for a wonderful summer--full of sunshine and family and memories made. I look forward to Autumn with it's crisp air and apples and visits from the grandparents and some mama time as some little pre-schoolers head off for their first morning of their Creative Arts program tomorrow! More on that very soon! Jen

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