Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm off!

So, I'm on the plane headed for Portland for my first solo adventure in, oh, years and years. Yes, it's only three days, but considering how ready I am to see Sam and Amelia after three hours of them being in pre school, and how I love to have Joel with my as an adventure guide and companion, I'm sure three days will be plenty!

I kind of feel like, " hello self, it's been a long, long time." You mamas know what I mean, right? I love my mama self, more than i ever did my pre- mama self actually, and yet, well, the chance to step away and refresh and renew and think, it's a welcomed opportunity.

Joel sent me off with love, Amelia with words about missing me and wanting to go with me, and Sam with one of his best juicy smootches and warnings to " not get hurt by sharks, or bears, or mountain lions." :) How I love my little family.

So off I go, with just a back pack and heart ready for adventure and refreshment, and to see my dear friend Elizabeth.



Anonymous said...

I'm so glad for you . A little time away makes for a better mom . :) Watch out for the sharks and bears


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...
