Monday, September 20, 2010

Father and Son...

Joel loves this outfit of his from when he was little. I forgot to put it on Sam last summer and this summer so when Joel got Sammy dressed this morning he remembered to put it on him:) Soooo cute. The shorts are a bit short, but those knobby knees are so cute that I don't think it matters much.

He wore it proudly to the Treehouse Museum this morning:) Here are some pictures of cowboy Sam from the museum.

Where was Amelia in all of this you ask? Well, she is having one of these kind of days:

Ah well, we all have them I guess! Happy Monday to you, Jen


ann.e said...

He looked adorable!! I love looking in the background of Joel's picture too - remember those Barbie heads?? and the boppy thing.. and I love the couch :) I love the 70/80s!

capturing said...

I love your photos and your kiddos look precious!