Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh my.

I get to go to go on a trip at the end of next month. BY MYSELF. TO OREGON. BY MYSELF. MY DEAR FRIEND ELIZABETH WILL BE THERE. WE ARE GOING TO A CONFERENCE. I'm sharpening all of my pencils tonight. I'm going to buy several little pads of all sizes of sticky notes. Oh, I hope we get lots of hand outs to write notes on. I'm a little bit excited. Especially because the conference is about so much what I want for my family.

To Simplify.

Is any body out there a Passionate Homemaker blog reader? Well, that's where I first read about the conference, because she is leading one of the sessions about Missional Homemaking. Oh man, I immediately was like, "I must go to this." That coupled with my forever desire to visit Oregon, and a chance to visit Elizabeth, and the absence of conferences in my life since having children (I mean, what's not to love? You just sit there and gain wisdom and get new materials and, did I mention, you just sit there:), and feeling ready to feed my spirit a bit. All that together just made it nearly impossible not to go. Joel immediately agreed, that sweet man, and pushed me to find out more. Then my friend Anne was like, 'Jenny, you have to go!" and that pushed me even further. So, Lord willing, I will be there.

Watch out conference women, it's been a long while since this mama has been completely on her own. I may talk your ear off about who knows what. Just a little warning.

All for now, Jen

[ A disclaimer: Just because I am going to a conference with simple living, whole foods, worshipping Jesus as we clean type topics, does not mean this is my current life. It is indeed what I strive for, but I am a long way from being where I would like to be. In fact, in all honesty, I was looking through the conference topics on the internet on my phone and was zoning in on the one about simplicity and wholesomeness in our food choices and then was hit with the irony that I was currently in the drive through lane at Burger King while delighting in the thought of sitting in that session. Ahem, enough said. ]


Unknown said...

This sounds like the perfect first get away!! I hope mine is at The Farm!!

Melissa A Lively said...

Oh, I will have to tell my friend (that is your age) who reads that blog, she will be so jealous!!! I must confess sometimes I read it too!!!

ann.e said...


Elizabeth said...

I'm SO glad you get to see Elizabeth! I know she will enjoy the visit as much as you will. Hooray! (-:

Christina said...

"Missional Homemaking" ??? There are conferences about things such as this?! Wow! Please do keep us updated on how it went! I would definitely like to learn more about this. I love your blog btw, I can't wait to be a mommy, I'm inspired by YOU! :)

capturing said...

Yay! How cool Jenny! Smiling for you!!