Monday, May 03, 2010

"This is a lovely, lovely day."

Sam said this as we were walking the trails at Red Butte Garden this morning (I have no idea where he heard this but he has said it several times in just the right context and I just think it is the sweetest thing ever!). He was so right. So peaceful and so much fun, and the weather was just perfect. We came home and spent just enough time to drop our bags inside and head out again, around the block and to the park. Now we are home and I'm watching the babes take a long bath and wishing someone would come cook a lovely,lovely dinner and put these lovely, lovely children to bed:) Ah well, you can't have everything! Off to make some spaghetti, Jen


Anonymous said...

That is lovely! I can't wait to be there with you guys. 19 more days of school! "Let Summer Begin!"
Love always,

erin said...

Those are lovely lovely pictures! What a perfect day.