Monday, May 10, 2010

Things I've heard...

Just want to jot down these overheard conversations between Sam and Amelia. Oh how I love to spy and listen:)

Playing birdies:
Sam's bird: "I want to find some worms. I want to find Percy."
Amelia's bird:" I'm sorry little one, I don't know where it is. Maybe it's in Africa. Do you want to get in my tummy?"
Sam's bird: "No thank you. Not today. "

Playing trains:
Sam's train: "Do you want some candy?"
Amelia's train: "No, I don't want candy. Candy has too much sugar and it makes my boiler ache."
I realized after hearing this how deeply we are entrenched in the train world here in the Hunt house:)

Playing trains:
Sam: "This is a huge storm. We have to get out of here."
Amelia:" Yes, it's noooot gooood."
Sam: "Are you okay James? I'll help you. I'm your friend. I will help you James."
Awww, sometimes the trains are so sweet to each other. Other times they are not:)

That's all I can think of for now. Oh, these two. They are deeply entrenched in animal or train talk most of the day and Joel and I just swoon at the adorableness. As challenging and fussy as they can be, they still have such an innocence to them.

Anyway, all for now friends. Jen

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