Monday, January 12, 2009

Togetherness Series--Part 9

Joel and I just cracked up as we watched the babes create this new game entirely on their own.

In other togetherness news, I had the most encouraging run in with another set of twins the other day. We went to the library to get some new books and Little Bear videos and to let the babes play in this great attic like play room that they have there. Anywho, there were two other adorable little ones playing and their dad quickly confirmed that they were also boy/ girl twins. They were four. And oh how they loved each other! He said that they are inseperable and that the little girl was like a little mama to him (ahem, Amelia). As I watched them interact and follow each other around and then saw Sam and Amelia playing and chasing each other around, I was just so encouraged. Encouraged to think about the uniqueness of their bond and their love, instead of dwelling on how challenging it can be for me sometimes to have two. Their dad was so positive and though he validated what a challenge it was for his wife when they were really little, he mostly talked about what a joy they are to have. So, thanks fellow twin parent, wherever you are out there. I hope you keep on encouraging the parents you meet to see their little ones as the blessings that they are.

All for now,


Anonymous said...

Ok, that game was the funniest thing I have ever seen! It might top the butter in the hair! Nice background music, too.
Lots of Love,

Sarah H said...

Oh how I miss the Salt Lake library...our closest library is okay, but it's really small. It does have a good kids' section for its size.

How wonderful to meet those twins. My mom and her twin are still inseparable at age 52! :) (My Grandpa always says that having twins is the most efficient way to do things.) ;)

Stella and I love all of the videos. If you ever fancy a trip to Seattle, we'd love to spend some time with those cuties (and their parents). :) Long comment...

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenny, What a treat. I think that is the cutest, funniest thing I have ever seen. Praise God for sending you an encourager that really knows and could encourage you like no other. I too loved the background music. I was just listening to Allison Krause's "Baby Mine" the other day and thought of the music you play for the babes and thought I need to play that for Bailey. Love you all. b

Anonymous said...

let's see, how many times have i watched this video???? i can't get enough!

Shanyn Zink said...

I have just FINALLY seen this video and can NOT stop laughing. My tears of laughter are still running down my cheeks as I type and cascading over the already dried ones. I LAUGHED and LAUGHED soo hard. Oh!! Everything about that video was soooo funny!!OH! Sam and his intense game that cracks HIM up and then to see him try things - like that monkey - and after the success to look at the camera and put his hands over his face in glee that it worked. And then Amelia - silent magician - on the other side making things appear and dissapear - SO FAST sometimes. Heeee heeee. Oh I'm crying again. I love it. Sorry for long comment.