Saturday, September 20, 2008

It's hard to hug a bug.

But she tries her hardest:)

It's an overcast rainy day here today. I'm still in my pajamas. The only productive thing I have done(besides playing with the babes) is to clean the kitchen that was left in a disastrous state last night after making this cake to take to our pastor's house for dessert. It was so worth the mess. Mmmm mmmmm. Hope you had a wonderful Saturday too, Jen

P.S. Yes, she really is trying with all of her little might to love those teeny ants that march past them on the driveway. They are so into "UGS!!!" right now:)


Anonymous said...

Bugs, I loved bugs. My favorite book as a child was,
" Bugs are MY LIFE ". The other day I promise you Echo followed a rolly polly like 4 yards.

ann.e said...

that's about the cutest thing ever.

Anonymous said...

Bugs were my were hugs!!!! :)
your bug loving Grammy

Shanyn Zink said...

It IS hard to hug a bug, Amelia. Oh if only you could. Just cheer them on, Meels, and that'll feel just like a hug to them. ;) Yeah, bugs! God even tells us to admire the hard work bugs do..."Look to the ant ye sluggard!" ;) I get inspired every time I look. Thanks for reminding us to look, Amelia.
Love you,

the bakks said...

They have so much hair!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling Sammy would like to study the anatomy of a bug, while Millie likes to watch the bug In Action!!! I hear Sam walked around today for a long time with his hands behind his back...very scholarly, Samuel!! :) I love YOU two little love bugs!!! gma :)