Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Oh little ones, how you make us laugh...

Today we read "Baby's First Book" at least 15 times. Sam loves it. He kept handing it to me over and over again. I love it too because it's simple and because there are lots of things that they are able to recognize and point out. Amelia was turned around doing a puzzle while we were reading, but when she would hear me say the word "plane" she would turn around with wide eyes and do the sign for airplane:) Finally, she plopped down next to us. Sam had finally moved on to his "Trucks" book, but Amelia wasn't interested. She is all about airplanes right now Sam, she can't be bothered by trucks!

It just cracks me up how she whips the book up to her face every time! Of course, the cowgirl action is just fun. Her little legs just a goin! Thanks Anne for providing the soundtrack:)
It was a good day today. Hoping yours was too, Jen


Anonymous said...

Wow , those kiddos are growing up so quick ! Tell Amelia Granpa is coming to see you all soon on an airplane even though he is a little nervouse about it. Cannot wait to see you all !
Luv dad

Anonymous said...

what fun those two are!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh jenny. between these two girls, we are gonna loose our guts when we get together.

ann.e said...

they are so much fun! i seriously could watch them for hours and hours. sam was a cutie yesterday and seemed like he was feeling better :)

Shanyn Zink said...

OH my gosh - why am I watching this video in Borders where I can't burst outloud?!!!! That is PRECIOUS of Amelia signing - she reminds me of Gma Erma- how she would get the hand signal done but no extras. Then A cracked me up with her high speed film gideeyup stint. HeeeHEEEHaaaHAA

Anonymous said...

I'm still in shock as I see Sammy just get up and walk at will!!! Of course loved his CAAAA aaat! And I saw Amelia sign bird also besides the airplane!!! sooo cute...always love the horse scenes! Thanks Jen for making these adorable videos for all of us to ooooh and ahhhh over! gma