Wednesday, April 02, 2008

To all you hip urban dwellers that were eating Thai tonight,

Boy did we invade your space in a big way. It was funny to see you look at our babes as if they were.......urchins from another planet. A planet that you have never even thought about. Now, I am sure you have thought about having children. I'm sure many of you may be great Aunties and Uncles or even parents. I'm just saying that you llooked at them sitting there in their booster seat and highchair as if you were in disbelief that they were there, beside you, now. Like it shocked you out of your laid back conversations into another, alien, world for a second. But then you quickly reentered your own. Without a smile or a wave at the two urchins. Without finding it humorous at all that a little guy was rocking his highchair back and forth on the floor, with rice on his face and shirt and his impish grin pointed right in your direction. Not even a little bit funny that Amelia was literally guffawing at her Papa who she hadn't seen all day. She was pulling out all the stops. Nose crinkles, laughs, fake laughs, this wheezing sound she makes over and over again.....

Okay, I can see how maybe it didn't provide for the most relaxing post "day at the office" atmosphere. But I have to say, we enjoyed it. We enjoyed it even more than we did without having two crazy babes with us. And the best part? After all of that pre-bed time stimulation, the two urchins came right home and nursed and cozied into their hammocks without a peep!

So, thanks for your patience you little hipsters. I know that we live in very,very different worlds. We need to come into yours sometimes though, and drink coffee and eat Thai and such and so, let's just all have a little grace with each other during those times, okay? Easy for me to say, I know.

All for now,

P.S. Really, you should just be thankful that we left their new jingle bell sticks in the car because they really like to wave them and make LOTS of noise:)

P.S.S. Dear readers, don't feel too bad for the two neglected little babies. We "knew" the waiter from our many pre-baby visits to this establishments and he oohd and awwed over them. Plus, it turns out he is a twin as well!


ann.e said...

fun! chanon thai? remember we went there probably a few weeks before the drama began...

ann.e said...

that's how i remembered too - because ben said you were huge. although didn't he say that every time he saw you? :)