Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sneak Attack

Hi. This is Joel. I'm sneaking on here and writing a blurp about stuff.

First, the break we had was absoluetly wonderful, as is evidenced by the pictures that Jenny so dilligently puts on here. The sites we saw were so spectacular and exhilirating and yet, somehow, peaceful and quieting. Huge ole mountains raising their stony, craggy heads above sweeping, sleepy valleys with rivers cutting through the meadows like a lazy serpent filled my soul constantly on our road trip. I just cannot imagine thinking that God created all that beauty for no reason. I think He wired us to be inspired and awed at those magnificent wonders of His. We oddly do not get inspired by concrete and boards, which can be wonderfully crafted into amazing things, but we are superbly inspired by dirt and grass and rocks that make up these mountains and valleys and meadows and plains. It's innate in us to connect with our Creator through His creation, and that is just what happened.

I must add that there were a few things that totally captivated my utmost attention on this trip that were not moutains, valleys, or rivers. They came in many shapes and sizes and ages, yep, you guessed it: people. I had a blast being with my most thoughtful and cool brother, Bub. Everytime I am around him I come away better equipped on how to be considerate of other people and in tune to their needs. I was utterly taken by Carter and Brady Jensen, what awesome little people, future men, future dads and husbands and leaders. My Grandma (Gee Gee), my sister, my aunt and uncle, my cousins, my family. It was so wonderful to see and be with my family, some of whom I had not seen since my wedding. There is such a keen connection among family that can only be experienced between family members. I had such a good time and adjusted my schedule so that I could stay with them longer because family and people matter so much more than mountains and rivers. I left my family to see some more people, Garret and Mandy White who gave me laughter like nobody else can. So, in light of God placing in us an admiration for His creation on Earth I believe He placed in us a much bigger admiration for for His best and most loved creation: people. I did not get near the joy and fullness from all that glorious wonder I saw through my windshield and sunglasses that I saw when looking into the eyes of those little boys or my Grandma or any person I came in contact with. So this trip for me was much than seeing glaciers and geysers, it was about seeing people as a much greater creation than anything else on this Earth.

I start school again tomorrow (it seems I have been saying that all my life) and get to learn more about the physical aspect of people and I hope I will keep in mind the great lesson I learned during this most wonderful break. I hope I will start with the person nearest and dearest to me, my most wonderful companion in life, Jenny. She deserves so much and has so much and gives so much, she is truly my mountain, my river, my meadow and so, so much more. I love you Jenny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so neat to "hear" your heart in what you wrote. Your thoughts came alive for me. I'm so thankful that you allow us to "peek in" to what's inside Joel Hunt.