Thursday, December 05, 2013

Advent: Day 5

Boy, am I really going to post every day of Advent?! We shall see:) 
Today's scripture was about Jesus calling us His friends. It's interesting, because I don't really act on that. I believe it in my head, but I don't often talk to Him as a friend when I'm lonely ( and being a stay at home, homeschooling mama can be a lonely business, even for the introverts!:). In fact, just reading the word friendship made me miss some of my faraway friends, and then after chatting with one dear one (hi Anne:), it made me even  miss her more. Goodness, it was like one of those times reading the kids a scripture or story and they take from it exactly opposite from what I intended! But, honestly, I have been BLESSED ( and I don't use that word often) with the most precious friends over the years. Pictures of what true friendship is, of what God intended it to be. Anyway, besides making me miss friends and think of how thankful I am for the ones in my everyday, it does make me long for that friendship relationship with the Lord, and the joy that could bring. You know? Like instead of instagramming a picture of my kiddos and a precious moment, just talking to their MAKER for a sec and saying, " would you look at that?! Thank you." Or when I'm doing dishes for the fortieth time in two days and feeling like I just can't do another one, asking Him to put a song in my heart, give me fresh perspective. I know He's faithful. 
So, there ya go, the thoughts on my heart.:) 
Today was a play date with new homeschool friends. He's a furniture maker and artist, she's a writer, crafter, mama...lovely home, lovely people. Amelia was so taken by all the homemade Christmas decor. She SO appreciates hand made goodness and always has. Thankfully she has a Mammy and Grandma who knit and embroider for her and my friend Emily who sews and who is a pro with a hot glue gun and general craftiness (which Amelia needs quite often in projects).Sigh, wish I was better at handcrafts so I could teach her.
Anyway, then home for a short lesson time, rest, clean up and play, and suddenly it was time for Joel to be home! 
Here are some pictures from the day: 
Rudolph: By Amelia. Love her happy art.
One of my favorite pics ever of these three. They are slowly letting Jubilee into their world.
Found this little Nativity scene after Amelia had cleaned up the living room. Haha!
She loves to build! 
He sits!!:) 
Our Christmas book countdown so far. Most books wrapped were ones we already had, but I picked up a few new ones at the library book sale. The pig one I thought was a little wordy and will probably disappear before next year:) The others are great. The chicken one is another Jan Brett book, " Hedgies surprise". 
Love to you! Jen

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