Trains are a big part of the babes life here at the new house. Both commuter and freight trains run along tracks just east of our house. Jim and Shari have been taking them to sit and watch the trains go by on most every morning walk. I think Sammy could sit there the whole day long. They both wave and wave at all the people as the commuter train passes and the conductor of the freight trains usually give them a big toooot tooot and wave now, it really is fun! When they hear the whistles blow during the day one of them will usually say, "What's that?! I heard a choo choo train!"
So, today was the big day. We told them that we were going to ride a choo choo train! I let Sammy watch Thomas the Train this morning (yawn--Amelia and I lost interest quickly:) and we talked about it during our morning walk. Joel came home from a conference and off we went. At first Sammy was stoic and quiet, soaking it all in I think...then we started to hear his "OHHHHH! and BIG CHOO CHOO TRAIN!!!!" and a quiet, "I love trains." Melt my heart little guy.
We stopped about 45 minutes later and walked through a new town, stopping in a train shop, letting them sit on statue horses (Sammy was cracking us up with this far off, happy look he got when he would sit on those big horses. He is such a dreamy guy:), and then playing at a park. Though I think he enjoyed the train thoroughly and Amelia was amused, they both screamed and squealed and giggled the most while running through the leaves and going down the slides together. Oh, the simple things:) It was a very special day for us all.
when I watched them the other night we definitely exclaimed and got real excited when we heard choo choo trains nearby :) what a fun day!!! I love all the pictures - noticed amelia had her hair down :)
A Blast! What could be better than taking a train ride with grandkids and sitting on horses and playing in the park with beautiful colored fall leaves showering every step! Can hardly wait for Isaac to take that train ride with his cousins someday! gma
JENNY!!! Your photography is off the hook awesome! I am constantly amazed at the shots you capture - you have such a great and original eye for pics...can you please rub off on me?
I had to take a second look at Amelia with her hair down - she looks so grown up! Sounds like you guys are all having so much fun! Love love love you and miss miss miss you!
Awww, thanks Robin! You give me some of your organizational/cleaning/ time management skills and I'll share some "photography" skills:) LOVE,LOVE,LOVE you too and can't wait to see you in December!
Sammy's big day... I love it.
Amelia's hair is so long!
Lots of love,
Look at their smiles! Don't think they can get any bigger. A highlight of visiting the Twin Cities in MN for my kids is riding the light rail. They love it!
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