Sunday, December 07, 2008

"Their life was all one piece. It was all sacred and all ordinary." *

This is one of my deepest prayers for my life. That the ordinary will be seen as sacred. That the work I do, whether it be as a mama, as a wife, as a friend, as a daughter or sister, as a keeper of my home ,as a volunteer or in the workplace, that it will be done as unto the Lord. As unto the Lord. What does it look like to cut out coupons "As unto the Lord?" or fold diapers, or make dinner, or write a letter? That is what my heart has been asking. He has shown me much through a book called, "No ordinary home: The Uncommon Art of Christ-Centered Homemaking." I slurped it up and now am going back through to do the Bible study parts.....but I just wanted to put this out there and ask, " Does your life feel like one piece? A seamless life of work and sacredness?" If so, how? Or maybe you have seen an example of someone who lives this way and want to describe them. You don't have to answer in the comments section, but you can! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Love to you this wintery evening, Jen

*Quote from Sue Bender describing the Amish in her book, "Plain and Simple."


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking on this all day long and have so much to say. I'll save it for one of our late night visits when I'm with you.

Brian and Ellie said...

Such a profound idea. I want to ruminate more, but here's my initial response. Tonight I was cleaning dishes, and I turned around to check since it was know! Sadie was dancing to some music in her head, and Zeke was just watching her with this little boy awe. That's what the paradox of sacred and ordinary feels like to me: hearing my little girl's song, seeing her joy in her body's movement, and feeling the mysteries of relationship, on the backdrop of an everyday chore.

Jenny said...

Looking forward to our chats mama. And Ellie, I love your example, which is not surprising considering that I love so many of your thoughts! Jen

Unknown said...

Living life in this world as a woman of God has been playing so much on my heart strings lately. By identifing myself as God's and not by my profession, gender (as the world see's it)or even ethnicity (especially with the recent election) I have struggled with the realization that many of my preconceived ideas of who I am needed to be changed. Desiring to raise my boys to be strong spritual leaders in their families, desiring to raise my girls to be Proverbs 31 women, requires our life to look different than those around us. To keep God sacred in my home, means upholding our ordinary lifestyle and way of thinking. Embracing the old and restricting the new. The new feminism, the new church, the new definitions of morality all take away from the ordinary sacred places were God readily inhabits. I need to embrace ordinary more. I am blessed all the time Jen by your blog. I am going out today to get this book!