Thursday, December 11, 2008

Here is a short video about the clinic where Joelie is working. Where he is working very long hours. He is there now. He is there early and he is there late. He wants to be home more, and he will be as he learns the system and gets faster at charting.

Late at night he shares some of his day with me, and rarely do we end the conversation without tears in our eyes. Hurting, broken people. Many who are out there right now in the cold, cold night. Many who are addicted, hopeless, homeless.

We pray for them and we pray that God will show us how to live our lives in light of the fact that daily life is a major struggle for many around the world, and many right here in our neighborhood.


Click HERE to see the video. Also, just a reminder that Joelie has a blog about his experiences there, but it is password protected. If you'd like to be a reader, just e-mail us at or leave your e-mail in a comment here and we'll send you an invite:)


Anonymous said...

That was an awesome video ! I had no idea how hard core the treatment at the clinic was to the homeless . I needed that to remind me how blessed I am with a loving family and health care. Please e-mail me Joels password . P.S. It snowed in Houston !
Luv ya Dad

Anonymous said...

I would love to read Joel's blog.
Melissa Ann Lively