Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fun in our own back yard...

Our house across town had lots of back yard nooks and crannies for the babes to play in. Trees for shade, vines that made natural forts, bushes to hide was so great and provided lots of fun hours right out our back door. This house has a nice sized, fenced in yard and for that I am very thankful. However, it is a blank slate. No trees, one bush, no vines or nooks or crannies to speak of. I am known to complain about this as I envision my dream yard with fruit trees and garden, chickens and lots of areas to explore.

Of course, children can find things to explore wherever they may be and Sam and Amelia prove that to me every time we go out there.
They sit at the one bush and look for bugs forever. Patiently they sit side by side and watch for the bugs to come and quickly snatch them up to put in Sam's bug "house".

They sit underneath the porch in the shade and play out scenarios like this one:
The rabbit is telling the bear that she wants some more clover to eat.

Dutiful Sam goes to gather the clover:

The bunny politely says thank you for all of the clover (after a reminder from the mama taking pictures:):

The bear decides he would like to eat some bugs:

Dutiful Sam goes to find some. And the play continues.....they roll down the little slope in the yard, they play chase, we sit on blankets and read books.

And as I watch I think about how thankful I am to be in a city that has such wonderful outdoor spaces to take Sam and Amelia, like the gardens, the mountains, the farm, etc. but how much more thankful I am that children are able to bloom where the are planted so easily. Thanks for teaching me little ones. Every day I learn something new from you, when I am mindful to learn.

P.S. Thank you God for creating Spring. Thank you for for this barefoot, sun on our faces, bug hunting weather.


ann.e said...

What sweet imaginations - I love the bunny and clover story :)

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Jocelyn said...

so sweet... to see imagination blossom.
on another note- Building the Blocks (link on my blog) just came home from Ethiopia with a new baby girl- that family just amazes me. anyways- a slideshow of pics from their trip. it's wonderful and had me in tears and thinking of you guys.

capturing said...

What wonderful babes...well kids...but still babes ;)