Thursday, May 21, 2009

He's my baby and I don't mean maybe...

So, Joelie, it's been ten years!!!!! Ten years of adventure, challenge, laughter, growth, refinement, joy, grace, sorrow, forgiveness-all of the things that love is really. I simple cannot imagine life without you, and how I pray that I never have to. When I think of the last 10 years with you I think of (in random order),

* Hiking Puumanamana.
* Skinny dipping at Makapuu lighthouse:)
* Always walking to the mailbox together.
* Walking to the store.
* You making me laugh with your antics.
* Tripler- eating lunch together, you visiting my office and commenting on my "cubicle voice", me loving you in your scrubs.
* Hale Koa. Ahhh, I miss that place.
* Always fearing that you will die while commuting on your bicycle.
* You cheering me on in school, in ESL training, in my job, in motherhood.
* Your flowing beard in San Marcos. Such the wild, river man you were!
* Singing hymns together in the car.
* Our first children, the jackson chameleons.
* Standing under the waterfall in Honduras.
* The sadness and anxiety during our struggle to conceive.
* The rock you were when my grandma died.
* The joy we felt when you got accepted into PA school.
* The way you cried when the Dr. said there was no alternative to me having an immediate C-section. You cried my tears. Oh man. In a strange way, I felt more loved at that moment than almost ever.
*Driving you to work in San Antonio in the wee hours of the morning-ditto in Honolulu-making you laugh with my unexplainable hyperness.
* Eating out. A lot.
* The Lord's faithfulness to us, despite our extreme foolishness! Always drawing us closer.
* Chai tea and oat cakes.
* Room 222.
* Jack Johnson concerts.
* The Vanagon breaking down. Again. Also, how fun it was when it worked:)
* Road trip following Bub from SLC to Idaho to Montana.
* You and John Mike and your crazy ways.
* Seeing you sleep next to our precious babes each night for their first year. I will cherish those memories forever.
* The way you swaddled Sam and Amelia like a pro. Seriously, I could never do it as well.
* Watching you watch our children with joy in your eyes. Best gift ever.

I love you dear husband. I thank the Lord for you, and for allowing us to know each other for so many years of our lives. Happy 10th Anniversary (tomorrow). May there be many,many more to come.
All my heart, Jen


Unknown said...

Aw, congratulations you guys! May you be blessed in the decades to come, too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the big 10!

Court said...

10! Already?! Happy Anniversary J&J...may the Lord continue to strengthen your love and your devotion to each other, as He draws you both closer to Him! Love you guys! Court

Unknown said...

You two are so beautiful together. May the blessings of the Lord be upon all the years to come. Congratulations on the first 10!

Anonymous said...

10 years, and i don't see outward appearances that your love has aged at all. In the creaky aged way :)
I admire you both, and love both of your quirks separately, but mostly together. Stay together, stay together!!!! We look up to you so much !

Joel said...

Happy Happy, Congrats guys!!