... and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things." Charlotte Mason
I have been reading a book about Charlotte Mason and her educational philosophies, which I adore by the way, and a big part of her philosophy is nature study and slowing down to look at nature with your children. Really look at it. This week we have been looking at snails in the back yard. They are very interesting creatures! I love getting to look at life through new eyes again, it is quite a gift.
I just read up on some of her homeschooling ideas as well. Very helpful..love ya,
OH I LOVE the snail study. Sooooo perfect and appropriate. Love how A & S just hold their hands so cute and study their snails. I would love to be studying snails with them. Can't WAIT to show Isaac bugs and such.
eww eww eww. to study them you have to touch them! eek!
If they have been enjoying snails, I wonder what they would think of the banana slugs we have encountered here on the coast. Look them up if you haven't seen one. I enjoy nature too, but these creatures are for the more open-minded naturalists. :) Anyway, it's fun to see them exploring. See you soon!
Oh my gosh, so Leah and Elliot were over today and Elliot somehow managed to break open a snail's shell and proceed to pull the slug out and start mangling his soft gooey flesh. She ran inside with him to disinfect him and wash him off and I almost threw up. I'm serious I was gagging. So there's our naturalist story for ya! : )
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