So, since returning from Texas the babes have been waking up bright and bushy-tailed between 4:45-5:00am (which would be an hour later in TX). Joelie and I have been taking turns getting up and getting them changed and dressed and play a bit and then they are ready for nap numero uno. We really start our day after that first nap. We select Elizabeth Mitchell (that is the music from the video Abbe--you'll LOVE her) on the ipod in the nursery and sing through all of the songs while the babes play and I eat breakfast and hopefully read for a few minutes. Here is the "music/reading/rocking station":)
Sammy smiles when he hears the first song come on, like he recognizes the music. I love that.
After this we go from room to room and I straighten up, usually with one in the sling and one (usually Amelia) playing on a blanket. It is such a nice change as they are getting older that they are content for longer and longer periods of time playing on their own. After this I usually try to feed Amelia some solid food(Must get video of this!). Sam is not at all interested yet. Confession: I don't make my own baby food. There, I said it. They are Earth's Best babes, and I'm okay with that.
Then we start our second nap routine of "reading" two books, nursing, and (in a perfect world) falling asleep. Our two favorite books right now are Mama Mama, Papa Papa and The Napping House . How can you not love Mama Mama, Papa Papa with lines like, "Papa,Papa your so wise, I love to watch your shining eyes." Awwww.
This is where we move into afternoon and things can get crazy if we don't watch it. All three of us are prone to crankiness, especially if naps were not long enough. So, we always try to get a walk in. Thank the Lord for the Chariot bike trailor/stroller that Joel bought! They stay toasty warm and it glides over snow and ice like it's nothing!
Then it's more play time and if things get desperate, we take stroller rides aournd the kitchen and living room. Oh yes, we do.
Sometimes, on great days like today, we have visitors! First, Anne and Vera came and played for a while and then Kelly came and helped me with bath and bedtime as Joel will be home late. Ahhh, that was wonderful. Every night the babes take a bath and they love it. Especially Sam. He just kicks and kicks and then he likes to turn his head to the side and put his ear under water. I guess it makes things sound really funny and he gets this really cute smile on his face. Then they nurse and, in a perfect world, everyone falls asleep. First they sleep in the nursery on the futon mattress on the floor. Then, when they wake up around 9 or 9:30 to eat, we move them into our bed and we all go to sleep.
Anyway, hope you got a little glimpse into a day in the Hunt abode. Really, things are pretty fluid around here. Seems like someone is always nursing or sleeping or trying to go to sleep. Again, I am slowly gaining confidence that I am okay with that. Sometimes I think we should be on a stricter schedule, but then my palms start sweating and I feel like a failure without even trying it! I'm just not a strict schedule kinda mama, or person really, and I need to just accept that. Embrace it even. A routine, I'm all about it. Keeping a baby awake until a quarter hour mark or something. Um, no. But you know us mamas, it is hard, hard, hard not to compare.
So, come by if you're in the area. Have a cup of hot chocolate. Wash your hands really well and then hold a baby.We are probably just hanging out, making faces in know, things like that:)
Much,much love to all of you, Jen
love love love the pics! Sounds like you're routine is working just fine! I wouldn't worry about it much :)
who's my pretty little baby is Josie's favorite song lately! and I can totally relate to the knowing smile you see on Sam's face when he hears the music - isn't that just the best? personality shines through! I think Josie, Sam & Amelia would get a kick out of not taking naps together and playing on the floor instead.
Your routine is the best!!! The feeling you have, that what you're doing for your wee ones is just right for y'all, well, that's your God-given Mother's instinct, yes? Don't ever let other's well-meaning advice or your own comparisons drown it out. It truly is a gift from the Lord.
I've got to tell you, I visit your site almost every day. I come for the smiles and the warm feeling it gives me in my heart. You are such a wonderful, wonderful mother... a true natural. "Watching" you and Joel and your precious cargo brings back fond memories of Life in the Golden Bubble, as I refer to the early days of baby and childhood, when the days shone and the world was near complete just within our little nest. ;-)
The music on the slide show the other day was a double blessing. Husband and I had gone to see "I Am Legend" and during the movie I was pleased to hear a song that I hadn't heard in quite some time... and then I came home and heard a lovely version of it here. Elizabeth Mitchell doing Bob Marley... sweet!
Just wanted to pop in and say, "Hey!" Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers and bookmarked in my favorite places. ;-)
Until next time... happy trails to you all under the wide sky of God's mercy and grace!
It is such a blessing when they finally are ok to be content for just a little bit while you quickly try to get something done! I have been enjoying not waiting until midnight to get bottles washed and Adrian's bag packed for the next day.
I will keep you guys in my prayers during the RSV season. Adrian had a bout of RSV and it was horrible. I was up for almost 72 hours straight and we had a 14 hour hospital stay because he wasn't eating. It was really scary and an awful experience to go through. I can't imagine what it would be like for babies so premature as your little ones. So- you are on my mind!!
Hi Girls,
Court--Glad you are enjoying the photos because I love takin them! Thanks for always being an encouraging voice on in the blogosphere:)
Ellie--Yes, wouldn't it be fun to see the three of them playing?! Maybe I could watch the babes and you could make the home-made baby food for their lunch:)
Marilee--How fun to hear from you and thank you so,so very much for your words--they really gave my heart a lift. Pop by anytime!!
Jocelyn--Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. How scary that must have been with baby Adrian! He is such a cutie patootie and I am so glad he is well again and you are getting some rest!
Love to each of you and thanks for reading my's so fun to know you're out there. jen
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