Friday, November 16, 2007

"We are beginning our initial descent into Houston..."

When I heard those words I knew that the babes first flight was almost over and was going to go down in our history books as a success! It went great. I had Sam on my lap and Amelia was beside us in her car seat. Sam was SO curious about everything(especially the fasten seat belt light) and just looked around and smiled at everyone. Amelia played with toys and spit bubbles and looked at her feet a lot. She cried for about 5 minutes mid flight when she was trying not to go to sleep, but thankfully I had a little bit of milk left in her bottle and that did the trick. I am just SO thankful!

We are here at their grandma and grandpa Hunt's now surrounded by love,love,love. Their Aunt Shanyn spent the night with us and today they get to meet their great granny and papa (my grandparents)! Tomorrow they have a big day as they meet their Aunt Tara and Uncle John Mike and their Papa Joel and see their grammy and Uncle Bub and Aunt Robin! Lots of pictures are sure to follow.

Joel should arrive from his road trip on Sunday, which is good because our little family is so incomplete without him.

Okay, must go for now. Thanks for all of your prayers for our travel! Jen


the schilps said...

i thought of you yesterday, my friend. yea for success, and the confidence that gives you for future adventures.
love to you.

Court said...

So glad to hear that you're here and that you made it ok. Yay for Amelia & Sam (as if we had any doubt!) I'm sure everyone is thrilled to have you guys so close. Lots of fun with the family for sure! Hope we get to see you soon. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm coming Millie and Sam...and you are both sooo smart for being so good on your first flight.

Anonymous said...

Jenny I am so glad that everything went well. Love you, anna

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you all in Tomball.
sending our love,
Ed and Kitty