Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It was about 4:40 am this morning and I was listening to my new ipod (yes, brothers, I finally got one--only because it came free with our new computer:). I thought maybe if I listened to a little music it would help tune out the little grunts and post-eating sighs from the babes lying next to me and I'd get a little sleep. Anyway, there i was listening to a little Jack Johnson when suddenly I was back in Hawaii again. More specifically, I was in a little cafe underneath the language school where I did my ESL training. The cafe was playing Jack and I was eating a tuna sandwich and having a conversation with a very interesting classmate. At one point in the conversation she asked me if, in my evangelical Christian perspective, she, as a lesbian Jew, was going to hell. She wasn't one for shooting the breeze. I loved that little cafe. It was a break from the intense, often intimidating, learning I was going through upstairs. It was urban and it was full of internationals and it had great sandwiches.

Upstairs. Classrooms full of Japanese and Swiss and Korean students...full of language games and complicated grammar lessons, full of eclectic student teachers whose only similarity was our desire to teach English. A classroom where I finally felt " ahh, this is something I could do forever. this is something I love." A classroom that had a beautiful view of that blue, blue water that I miss dearly.

So, anyway, I was back in that little cafe talking, listening to Jack, eating my tuna, when suddenly I heard a little cough and thought "Was that a spit up?". I took my earphones off, October of 2004 quickly disappeared, and I turned over in my current moment to see this.....

Such a different, wonderful reality. Two little babes next to me. One with his eyes wide open, looking at me so intently and one behind him with her arm over her eyes like "C'mon guys, can't a girl get some sleep around here?!" I hear ya, babe. And yet, I wouldn't trade either moment for anything. To everything there is a season, and I have to say, this one is pretty great.


Court said...

Absolutely precious!

ashley said...

What a cute smile!!!

Love it!!

Jami said...

Do you sleep with the camera right next to you? :-)

Jenny said...

I use the camera in my phone for these "I need to capture this right now!" moments:)

the schilps said...

oh my gosh, what a precious face! makes you just want to kiss him.

good tip about the phone; i will use that one!!

Unknown said...

Still incredible to me to see such a huge soul peeking out from the eyes o f such a tiny being...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that is the cutest of pictures. I want to give him a great big kiss. Sooooo, give them a hug and kiss for me. I love you!!!!

Hayden and Kelly said...

They are so stinkin adorable!!! I can't take it anymore... I've got to come see them and play. What night works for you guys? Your blog inspired Hayden and I to start our own... but ours isn't nearly as cute as yours. Those chillins are so cute! You have the best pics too! Jenny, did you take photography? Joel- tell Sher-Bear she is adorable. Love you guys!