Friday, July 27, 2007

The best I can do for now....

We are having major camera problems, thus the miniature pics below! All of the sudden the pics from my phone are bite sized and I can't figure out how to fix it...anyone?!

So, just be patient with me until I can get one of our cameras to cooperate. Until then....
Here is Amelia lifting her head up and looking like such a big girl!
Our friend Uai came over to hang out with the babes. Here he is with little man Sam.We are pretty sure Sam was thinking, "Wow, now that's a big dude!"
Here is Joelie being Super Papa....
Burping one and carrying the other...
Feeding one and pacifying the other...
Taking a break at the Target eating area...

And lastly, here is Amelia checking the e-mail and drinking her daily diet coke....oh wait, that's part of my morning ritual:)

Hopefully I'll be back soon with some pics that you don't have to use a magnifying glass to see! Love to you, Jen


Court said...

Love the last pic of Amelia ~ good to get them started young! ha! Even though the pictures are small, still fun to see them getting so big! Hope you have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe how big the babies are getting. wow. I am so sad that I wont get to see them for so long. love ya anna

Hayden and Kelly said...

Oh my!!! Those are such cute pics! I can't beleive Amelia is holding her head so high! Sam looks totally passed out! SO CUTE! Hayd and I were talking about coming for another visit. Do you have plans on Wednesday night? Give me a call or have Joel and Hayd make plans. YEAH! Hope it works out. If not, we could come Thursday too. Loves! OH... P.S. it's your Picture Resolution that determines the size of your pics on the cell phone. Mine is in my pics options and then in resolution. Go into your camera and look under options or setup. I can take a look at your phone when we come over if you can't figure it out. GOOD LUCK!

shell said...

thanks for leaving a comment, your twins are beautiful! i am amazed at how similar our kids stories are, i was reading back through. our little hunter had a PDA and had to have surgery at 3.5 lbs! i am glad you littles ones closed on their own. thanks for leaving a comment and i PROMISE, it does get easier. :) they will be best friends!! email anytime you want mlwalatka at

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen:
I heard that diet drinks weren't healthy for you! Thought you would like to know!!

Love you,