Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mama Kitty...

Mom found her in a Kroger parking lot when she was a baby kitten. She is now 15 years old!! The kids adore her, and she loves them too ( well, she may not love Jubilee, for good reason:). Sure will miss her when the day comes for her to pass on. Even though I sometimes run low on patience with another creature needing attention, food, water, etc. I can't help but smile at moments like this, where she jumps up on top of two books i was about to read to the kids and lays contentedly purring against my growing belly. Sweet, that's what that is:)
I guess that's all for today. Not much going on here. Another virus running its course through the house, assuming it was picked up while traveling by plane. First Amelia, then Sam and Jubilee. Fever and coughs. We've not managed to get much school in this week, but we did finish reading Stuart Little. The kids loved it, though Amelia immediately drew an alternate ending to " staple to the back of the book", where Stuart does for sure find his bird friend Margalo and they walk home together:) On to Charlotte's Web we go. I sure treasure our time reading together.
All for now,


the schilps said...

oh, we just read stuart little! one of our favorite chapter books is 'trumpet of the swan' also by E.B. white. the male swan, the Cob, just cracks me up! love that our lives are paralleling in this way. chapter books are a whole new world!


and, sorry all three are feeling poorly! fun at all!

Jenny said...

Hi Abbé Jo! We are about to start Trumpet of the Swan and I'm excited! I picked up an EB White book at a homeschool store (amazing) in Houston that had all three stories in it, so we are working our way through. Love you, friend!