Friday, January 13, 2012

Everyday outdoor play!

You may have noticed my new badge on the right side of the blog, "Everyday outdoor play, our goal for 2012". I found a new blog devoted to teaching her kids about the earth, etc. and that was her creation to remind herself of their goal- I love it and it's definitely a goal of mine too. No matter the weather. Get outside! It's so good for all of us. Yes, it will be tricky at times with the baby, but it is a worthwhile endeavor! I'm not talking hours of play even, just a 10 minute walk around the block counts in my book!
Yesterday afternoon we woke from naps and I realized we hadn't played outside, but it was already getting dark and colder and so I just thought, "Oh well, some days, especially preschool days, it just won't happen!" I know, I give up pretty easily don't I?:) Soon after that thought Amelia said, "Mom, we haven't played outside today! Let's go!" Jubilee was in her diaper ready for a bath, mom had just arrived home from work, Sam didn't want to go out, but I said, "Ok Amelia, let's do it!" Mom stayed inside with Sam and Jubilee and out we went...I was even in my pajama pants because Jubilee had just spit up all over my skirt!:) But it felt SO good crunching around in the snow, taking a short walk, taking out the compost, taking the empty milk bottles out to the cooler on the porch and filling up the bird feeder. We were out maybe 15 or 20 minutes but it was so refreshing. I thanked Amelia for remembering, and I'll try harder to lead the way:) Join us if you will! It's going to be challenging, but worth it for sure! Jen

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