Thursday, August 21, 2008


I interrupt the nature fest to bring you a video of Joel and I being the complete dorks that we often are. Joel's mom and dad asked us to say hi to their Ukrainian friends who we are making a video for. Just hi. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it?


Just keepin it real,


Anonymous said...

Ya know that laugh that's deep and refreshing? Well, thanks!

Oberg family said...

HI! that is the coolest video yet!! i just can't stop laughing! you guys are just too funny! we would love to see all of you soon.take care and give the kids big hugs from us.

take care!
ryan, nay and gavin

the schilps said...

oh my gosh. crying, seriously crying because i am laughing. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

we laughed for a few minutes, silly Hunts. ok wait lets start

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that is awesome!! love ya, anna

The Klentzmans said...

Why did joel ever say anything but hi? it obvious that he was supposed to say another line and then he just freezes up. serious joel. learn your lines. your letting us all down. i am very disapointed in you.


ann.e said...

that was awesome

Robin said...


Robin said...

Okay. For Real.


Jana said...

I love watching Joel's eyes cut over to look at you :) haha!