Sunday, September 03, 2006


Lately my spiritual life has felt like chapped lips feel...dry, thirsting, a bit cracked, and needing some serious attention. The root of both chapped lips and a dry spiritual life come from lack of discipline to care for them. Neglecting to put on chap stick, neglecting to spend time with the One who gives Living Water...well, you get the analogy. So it was with a bit of a heavy heart that I trodded to church this morning...weighed down by worries, disappointments, etc. that have not been given over to the Lord.
So, what great relief it was to fellowship with believers again, to sing of God's great character and love, to confess to Him and to receive forgiveness,to hear His word taught. It was a soothing balm to this so often foolish soul. Thanks be to God for His faithfulness. Hope you all felt great refreshment today as well. Jen

p.s. One of the hymns that we sang today is called "Jesus With Thy Church Abide" and I just love it. It reminds me of what our role as the Church is and why it is so important to indeed "beseech" Him daily. Here are some of the verses to the hymn...

Jesus, with Thy church abide;
Be her savior, Lord, and Guide,
While on earth her faith is tried:
We beseech Thee, hear us,
We beseech Thee, hear us.

Keep her life and doctrine pure;
Grant her patience to endure,
Trusting in Thy promise sure:
We beseech Thee, hear us,
We beseech Thee, hear us.

May she guide the poor and blind,
Seek the lost until she find
And the brokenhearted bind:
We beseech Thee, hear us,
We beseech Thee, hear us.


anna said...

i agree jenny..sometimes i just puzzle over how i believe lies that keep me from seeking the LORD everyday through meaningful, quite, still, study of HIS word and prayer, praise, and worship..i mean what an opportunity that we have..the creator of the world desires to spend time with us/me..and yet i feel like i am to busy or to tired or whatever...when you think about it, it is cray..what lie am i believing to think that there could be anything more important than being with my savior, my king,my all...He is the wellspring..He is the vine and we are the branches..He is the source..and the TRUTH..sorry i get a little exited when i think about GOD..he has been so faithful to ya

Anonymous said...

The scriptures tell us to "Be Still, and know that I am God." For me, that has been one of the most difficult things to do. But sometimes, that is all He asks of us - to just be still. I am so happy that you had a wonderful time of worship. Doesn't it just rejuvenate your soul?

P.S. Just when I didn't think I could possibly love my students any more, well, need I say more, this new group of students, along with some of our original ones are just blessing my heart every day.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Joel and Jenny,
That meal looked yummy and I know your company kept you entertained. He is delightful.
Keep up the pursuit!!!