Saturday, September 16, 2006

There's snow on the mountains tonight!

I can't believe it....suddenly it's cold in Utah! I knew it was coming, but those sweaty days of no AC in the classrooms at school just last week made it impossible to imagine. Today as we walked to the grocery store the temp was about 52 and then joel took a drive in the mountains and the car said it was 32! Right now I'm sitting in bed grading essays and I have the space heater rolled up next to the bed and turned on full blast and I'm still chilly! Now, I'm sure I will be really tired of cold weather by the end of winter--but there is such excitement in these first few days. We stayed in bed late as we couldn't bear to get out from underneath the warm covers, drank hot chocolate, watched a movie, wore layers to go to the grocery store.....I love it.

So, last night I completely forgot to take pictures of our time with Tom and Cristy. They were in SLC for a conference and so they got to come by for a visit. I did remember to take a picture of the food before they arrived...chicken spaghetti,yum,yum. You'll just have to imagine the rest of our visit. The four of us eating in the kitchen and then the girls sitting in the living room sharing a blanket and our souls with each other while the guys are downstairs looking up the White House on Google World:) A great time was had by all.

Guess that's it for now. Joelie is at a friend's house studying so Willow and I are holding down the fort:) Hope you all are well, Jen


Anonymous said...

I have a request for more pictures of a real fall. How exciting for you to see the leaves change. It is still HOT here but we have rain so no complaints.

anna said...

jenny that looks really good you are going to have to give me the recipe

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jenny,
Cool/cold weather sounds so wonderful right now. It is finally getting a little cooler here but in the afternoons it is still in the mid 90's and humid. I have told my/our students how much I love the crispness of the fall and they keep reminding me that it will soon be here. I just love them so much.

Keep up the terrific writing. It is such a joy to read what you have to say. I feel I am hearing words straight from the heart.

Blessings on you and Joel,
