Friday, June 09, 2006

City noises and a thankful heart...

So, it's about 11pm and I'm sitting in bed propped up by pillows listening to the wind and the rain outside. The windows are always open at night and usually I hear noises such as these: our neighbors coming home on scooters or in big jeeps or a big rumbling truck. Our neighbors to the right and over the fence taking there dog out into their back yard making the leaves rustle and twigs break. The sounds of sirens are frequently heard as we live just down the block from a fire station and for some reason the sound is oddly comforting to me. Cars whizzing by on the busy street, even late into the night. A circle of friends sitting in the yard of the duplex in front of us, laughing and talking and making Misty the dog bark. It's the sound of the city, and so far I like it. Tonight, though, tops it all. The wind and the rain are more comforting than even laughter right now. Joel is sleeping peacefully, getting some much needed rest and it all just makes me feel thankful. This week has been a bit discouraging...just a little sad I guess. Wanting things that just aren't right now, like more time with my love and to have a baby in my arms. God is so faithful to remind me, though, of all of the richness and depth and love that is my life and tonight I feel that strongly. So, here are some of the things that bless my soul and remind me of all the wonderfulness he has given me and all that is to come...

The list could go on and on and on and on. I think I'll have to do a part two tomorrow at the very least:) The rain has stopped now as it took a long time to download these pictures correctly...the sounds of the city are back. Cars buzzing and out comes the neighbor over the fence with his dog. I can hear the tinkling of the dogs id tags as he walks...i forgot about that sound. Oh, how funny. It's as if he can tell I am thinking about him because he just let out a big WOOF! Well, I guess that's all for tonight. I'm tutoring a sweet South Korean tomorrow at the library and need to prepare. I have so many things to tell you about the cultures of and interactions with my students...soon. Jen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad things are good for you. Missing you terribly. Pray for you daily. What an inspiration to see how God is working in your lives and how you are giving Him the glory for it. Becca and Brent have bought a house. Close 6/20. Be moved in by 7/1. Will miss the girlies terribly! Yancy and Trisha still looking. Pray that they find a house and Will and I can get in the little blue house.
Much love to you both,