Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Maybe I'm a bit sentimental...

Having a new babe in the house will do that to you I think. But, the other day as I was getting ready to run to Target with Shari I thought of a post I wrote way back when Sam and Amelia were still in the NICU. This post.
It instantly brought tears to my eyes. I thought of Sam and his love of firemen and his fireman costume that he adores. Here we are, four and a half years later with a healthy and thriving boy! How grateful is my heart when I think of that!

Then, a few days later, Amelia was getting ready to go to a party at my mom's work. She found a piece of ribbon and wanted me to tie it around her waist as a belt. She thought it looked SO beautiful. Then she went into the bathroom and came out with all of these bows decorating her belt. Oh my. It was just about the cutest thing ever. Then she went to the fridge and got this picture off that she had drawn, because she "matched the picture!"

I thought back to that post again and to my sparkle of a girl that we have now and thankfulness washed over me.
Thank you Lord for the gift of these children and that you are allowing us to experience this fun age of firefighters and fairies and creativity and princesses and make believe.
Sweet babies, growing up before our eyes! Jen

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