Ahhh, today has been such a fun and easy day. Which is good, because we have had some doosie's lately! We have been sick,sick,sick since before Thanksgiving and it's just now letting up. The other night I ran a super high fever and woke up shaking violently. No fun. Then the next day my milk supply was pretty much nil. Thanks to pumping and nursing frequently, drinking tons of water, and taking fenugreek pills, it is coming back. So thankful for that!! Anyway, all that to say, with everyone feeling better and not so needy
I hardly knew what to do with myself today! I mean besides washing clothes, caring for children, etc:)
Seriously, though, Sam and Amelia have been deep in play since they woke up this morning and are still at it. They said they only wanted to go drive thru Chik Fil A if I would move Sam's booster to the back seat with Amelia so they could keep playing!! Crazy man, and so much fun to see.
I love this picture, funny as that probably sounds. They play with these snowball makers more than almost any toy they have. For sure the most played with toy outside, no matter the season. I love seeing them muddy and happy and intensely busy with "projects".
Well, I'm finishing this post hours later. The late afternoon was not quite as easy as our earlier day. Things got harried as they often do with the baby hungry and kids not wanting to clean up and me trying to figure out how to fit in some meaningful advent readings this evening:) I was all ready with my reading material, but when I got up to the room Amelia had fallen asleep looking at books! Ah well, we will try again tomorrow. [Side note: On my way up to read our advent readings I thought, "Maybe I should grab them each a marshmallow as a bribe to listen to the whole reading. After all, it's pretty long and they are probably tired. A bribe to listen to advent readings, Jenny?! Shouldn't advent readings look like a whole family sitting down at dinner, the four candles in the middle of the table, a special lighting, maybe a Jesse tree ornament being put on a tree, reads the devotional and you all talk about it? Instead it's a harried mama grabbing marshmallows as a bribe, already two days behind, no Jesse tree, no cute advent calendar, no family dinner, no Dad home to read devotional. But seriously, isn't the real important thing that Jesus is infused into your celebrations? That He remains center? Doesn't that happen in little ways throughout the day? Grab the marshmallows Jenny. "] Then the bag of marshmallows fell out of the pantry as I put it back. I left it there on the floor. Oh my.
Still, it was a good day. There are so perfect ones are there? All for now, Jen
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