Saturday, April 09, 2011

The land of silliness...

On the way home from eating dinner out last night (BBQ...mmmm), I recognized that Sam and Amelia are entering a new phase of silliness. The kind of "funny" that goes something like this:

Sam sings in the back seat: "I am a screw and I have legs (HAHAHAHAHA, laugh he and Amelia), I am a screw and I have eyes (HAHAHAHAHA), I am a house with a tree coming out of it (HAHAHAHHAHAH), I am a car with a back and and a neck (HAHAHHOOHOOHAHAHA)!!!!!!!

Meanwhile Joel and sit in the front, laughing only at how funny they think these jokes are and thankful they have each other to experience this silliness with:)

Yes, folks, I think four is going to be a very silly year indeed!
Here are some pictures from this morning that Amelia requested we take (darn this weather--GO AWAY snow!)...

Okay, that last one was from 2007 but I just had to include it since this is birthday reminiscing time:) Jen

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