Friday, December 10, 2010

But the fire is so delightful....

So, we don't actually have a fire place, but there are other fun things to do while the snow swirls or the day is overcast and you really. really. really. really. miss. the. sun. Oh, where was I? Oh yes, fun things to do when the weather is frightful. Here are some of the best moments of our days lately:

This was one morning during Thanksgiving break. Ahhhh, we loved having Joel with us for almost four full days.

The aquarium. Oh how our Sammy loves that place!
Paint! Play-doh! Coloring!
Reading grandma stories on face time. He set the phone up all by himself and we found him there reading to her. Technology at it's finest!
Singing Christmas carols and reading Christmas stories. This thrifted Tomie dePaola book is my favorite find of late:)

Baking gingerbread men was fun, as was seeing their little faces when they saw the tree lit up for the first time:)

Even during festive times of the year, though, and all of the magical moments they bring, Sam and Amelia mostly just want to play and keep our normal rhythm. I have to remember to just keep it simple, they really don't need or want a lot of hooplah. Like this morning. I had planned for us to go to a little Mom's group Christmas brunch, but Sammy came upstairs with tears in his eyes just wanting to stay home and play trains. That little guy is always trying to get us to stay home so he can play, poor buddy:/ So, today I said yes. Yes, Sammy, let's just stay home and play trains (sorry to the girls at Mom to Mom! I missed you guys!). Here they are doing what they do most of our days, talking with their animals, talking with trains, setting up nests, etc.:

All for now. I need to catch up on some housework while the babes nap! Jen

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