Saturday, October 16, 2010


Where have we been? Processing apples and more apples and more apples:) and processing some life stuff too. I'm a pretty open book of a person, and sometimes it's hard for me to blog when I can't "tell all" about things going on in our life, but of course a blog is not always an appropriate place to share. I'll just say that God is shaking things up a bit in our hearts and life. One thing is that we are considering some changes to our adoption plan, being open to possibilities beyond a healthy baby boy. We don't know what the changes in our plan may look like, or if it will look different at all, but we are excited (and a bit terrified, if I'm honest) to see! Right now we are working with our caseworker to make some changes to our home study, etc. etc. etc. etc.

In other news, we are loving having the Hunt's here. They are ever loving and helpful as always and, of course, it melts my heart to see Sam and Amelia with their beloved grandparents. Shanyn (Joelie's sister), Tim, and Isaac are coming for a visit at the beginning of November and we are so ready to see them too!

On a random note, Flylady is the new superhero in our house and my dream of a cleaning routine is finally coming into reality. Anyone else out there a Flylady fan? More on that later.

For now, I must get down to the basement and do some organizing. Having a cleaning routine is wonderful, but definitely leaves less time for blogging:)

All for now,


Court said...

praying for you guys as you seek out God's perfect plan for your family ~ whatever that may be. never doubt that He will indeed bring just the right child/ren into your home and give you exactly what you need to be the very best parents to him/her. say hi to jim and shari, too :)

ann.e said...

we need that coffee date! sometime this week...

Jocelyn said...

jen- i wish i could say like anne that we need that coffee date! from one person whose family turned out COMPLETELY different from what i thought it would be... it IS scary, it IS exciting, it IS uncharted, unknown territory. but think about how scary and unknown it was with sam and amelia and how incredibly AWESOME that has turned out to be!! don't turn from what you feel God saying to your heart because of fear, but also do not give in to something that you don't feel right about because you feel you SHOULD... does that make sense? you know what you can and can't handle and God will open or shut doors accordingly. i am praying for future decisions and what you feel God has laid on your heart. praying for YOUR baby boy, your SON and however that may take shape!
just like processing apples... there's a little bit of cutting, scrapping, pressing and squeezing... all to make something perfectly delicious! :)