Thursday, July 09, 2009

Life as usual, just better.

Everytime my mama comes to visit everyone asks," So, are you guys doing anything special?" and the answer is usually something to the effect of, "Just living life with the babes." We carry on with our routines and adventures, but it's just sweeter with her here. And easier, I might add. And more fun. With lots more giggles. It's pretty much wonderful.

We still go to the park, but I don't have to sprint between the swing (Amelia) and the too slick slide (Sam). Have I mentioned that playgrounds make me tick? I am usually not a nervous mama, but playgrounds with two two year olds make me crazy, unless they are an appropriate toddler size. But, look at Amelia's face as she swings. So, we go.

We still go to the park with friends. This was lunch today after art in the park. It was such a fun morning! The city gives out free brown bag lunches every day to all kids under 18. So we got three bags for the littles and had a fun picnic.

We still go to the fun, fun farm and ooh and ahh over all of the animals. "Oooooh, so cute!" as Amelia would say:)

We still go to music class and ring bells and bang on drums and sing lots of songs.

We do all of the things we normally do when their Mammy isn't here, it's just that the norm becomes more special whenever she's around. Anyone who has ever been around her knows that is true.

All for now, Jen


Allie said...

I remember your mom - she spent many hours with you after the twins were born. Tell her hello for me. You all look so good, and the babes are growing so fast. I love your blog...

Robin said...

I know the feeling...mamas are the best in the world and we are lucky to have the best of the best! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

What fabulous times with Mammy there for sure!! And, yes, Joyce brightens any ordinary experiences, any day! I know the babes are loving having her there as well as their mama! love ya, shar