Friday, May 02, 2014

Handwork, special dates (for memory sake, Amelia and grandma to tea, Sam and gma to natural history museum to color, Sam and gpa to the new aquarium, Amelia and grandpa to baby animal days, Gma and Gpa with Jubilee to the farm, Gma and Gpa with Sam, Amelia, Aviana, Cole and Alidia to the movies...whew!) , outdoor projects, birthdays, Easter and just living life is a summary of the Hunt grandparent visit in pictures:)
Although it is definitely not ideal to live away from family, these concentrated months that the kids have had with the Hunts over the years (and with my mom during the 18 months she lived with us) have been pretty amazing. This trip I'm specifically thankful that they got to be here for:
Sam and Amelia's 7th birthday!
Ollie starting to walk
Jubilee talking so much more 
Sam starting to read at a new level
Soccer games
Spring blooms and blossoms (though they wreaked havoc on us all with allergies galore!!) 
...that's all I can think of at the moment! Hopefully more soon! Jen

1 comment:

abbyjoy said...

ah, so sweet! these pics and memories are such a treasure.