Saturday, January 25, 2014

Operation declutter!

Room by room we are going to take everything out and only put back in what is useful, beautiful, and/or very meaningful! It will be slow going, only one room a weekend, but we are SO ready to simplify this house in a big way! Man, I'm so tired of feeling like my days are spent managing *stuff*. So, anyway, today we started with the kitchen. It seemed like the easiest place to start since I'm not very attached to kitchen items (ahem). Here are the helpers. Doesn't Amelia look thrilled? Hehe
The helpers were rewarded with an afternoon play time with buddies and popcorn and a movie tonight:) Cheer up, Amelia, it's not so bad! 
That's all for now folks:) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is too funny! You are inspiring me to declutter! How did it happen in my house in only one year??
Lots of love