Friday, October 21, 2011

These are the days...

I want to remember this moment. We were upstairs and Amelia was hanging out with Jubilee and me. She helped me fold cloth wipes and then played with Jubilee and then ran to get my exercise ball when the baby started to cry. I love the way Amelia tries to help. She will see a need and then just suddenly run away and bring something to try and fix it. If I am nursing and say to myself, "I'm starving" ,Amelia will disappear downstairs and pop back up with a banana for me. Man, it is so sweet! This is pretty new, by the way.I had started to think all the people who told me Sam and Amelia would be such helpers were lying.:) Anyway, the house smelled like apples as Shari was downstairs canning applesauce, the window was open and I could hear Sam riding his Big Wheel down the driveway, and there was Princess Amelia loving on her sister. Then as I rocked Jubilee to sleep, Amelia got up on that ball and told me a fantastic, very long story about a troll. It was one of those moments that make all of the overwhelming, frustrating, crazy moments fade away.

Oh yes, these are the days. The overwhelming, frustrating, crazy, wonderful, tender, beautiful days.


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love these pictures!

ann.e said...

me too! so great - the dress, the hat, the earrings, the big pink ball :) wish I could have heard the story!