Thursday, July 15, 2010

Story time...

So, we are back from our two week trip to Texas. It is always a whirlwind trip and I long for the day when spending time with family is not logistically and emotionally exhausting ( for example, wanting children to be at their best during limited time with family and that usually not happening--it's stressful for all). Anyway, even though it is tiring it is also wonderful and there were lots and lots of sweet moments that I want to remember.

First off, the trip there. My mom was with us so it was easy peasy for the most part, though we did have a crazy delay in the air at the end of our second flight and then we landed to find that poor Robin was at the San Antonio airport to pick us up and we were in Austin! The babes were troopers, though, and those little glitches were soon forgotten.

My favorite memory of the trip down was this. When we walked onto the plane, Sammy turned left towards the cockpit instead of right. The co-pilot (?) was sitting in his chair and invited Sam to come into the cockpit with him! Sammy hopped right into the captain's seat at his invitation and was able to push buttons, pull levers, etc. I don't think he knew quite what was going on, but he liked it! When he was done I lifted him down to the floor and handed him his blankey and headed back to our seat. Then, oh then, Sam started to march. Standing tall and proud and holding his silky blanket, he marched all the way to the back of the plane. I have never ever seen him spontaneously march and I almost cried it was so cute. Oh Sam, I want to remember that moment forever.

More stories to come! Jen

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