Saturday, July 24, 2010

A breath of fresh air...

Mountain air that is:) We are up at our friends cabin again--just for a night, but oh is it wonderful. On the drive up I always feel like bursting out with, "The hills are alive with the sound of muuuuusic!" That's how I feel inside. Yes, these days the song would sometimes be sung over whining, weepy voices in the back seat...but that's okay. All the whininess and overtired weepiness falls away when I see my little guy fishing for the first time or saying, "I'm hikin Mama, do you want to come with me? Be careful not to get a boo boo! Watch out for these stickers! Listen to the noises. Watch for animals. What was that?!" I tell you, that little boy just melts my heart when he is in nature...he is at his best for sure. Kinda like his daddy I guess:) As we were driving through the mountains Sammy said, "Aren't these mountains beautiful daddy? They are magic." We just wanted to gobble him up.

Anyway, I'm so thankful for this little getaway. I think it inspires us all.


Anonymous said...

What a refreshing time! I love Sammy's sweet comments. Your kids are so blessed to experience as much nature as they do! They pass that love right on down.

Craig said...

Looks to me like he needs a popsicle. I'm just sayin'.