Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh how they play, they play every day...

Oh, these almost three year olds! They are amazing us with their imaginative and independent play. Even in beautiful weather they have been wanting to stay inside and play and this marks a huge shift in our little world! 

Sam plus trains equals love. He plays and plays with his trains and train tracks. He is so dramatic that his cries for "HELP!!!" often bring me running, only to find that a train is "stuck in the mud" or "his wheels won't turn":) He gets much inspiration from his beloved Thomas books and movies and yesterday his play included lots of chastising for the naughty freight cars. 

Sammy is also really into cooking in their little kitchen, playing with Leap Frog letter magnets, playing with play doh, playing chase and building nests with Amelia.  

Amelia  is still taking her animals and babies on trips of all kinds in card board box trains or their wooden boat, making many nests around the house, and spends much time pretending to eat and trying to find "special treats". She also loves play doh, painting, helping mama in the kitchen, playing in the tub, and playing chase with Sam. 

Anyway, we are just loving and so thankful for the chance to watch these two little ones grow and change every day.
All for now,


Anonymous said...

Sammy looks like he is in "choo choo" heaven and little mama melia... Your house looks so pretty. Where is my room??? :)
Mammie ( I changed the spelling because of my new swing)

Megan Sandoz said...

I hope I get to play nest and babydolls with Amelia one day. We are kindred hearts, I think. And Ok, Sam is the cutest thing ever in his little pair of underpants. Seriously.

Brian and Ellie said...

I love that room. What a thoughtful place to play. I'm inspired!