Saturday, February 24, 2007

A late night conversation with Paris Hilton...

Everyone who knows me well has had to endure hearing my bizarro dreams throughout the years. I dream weird ones and I remember them in detail and my poor friends and family have to listen and act interested. Now you get to too! Although blogging them is great because you can just skim right through if you'd like. I think pregnancy may be making them even weirder....

Last night I dreamed that I was talking with Paris Hilton(?!?!) because, apperently, we were great childhood friends. So Paris and I were discussing her future and she said that she wanted to go to dental school. Great, says I, a very noble pursuit. I then asked her if she had started to take the prerequisites to get in. "The what?" She asked. "You know, the classes you have to have before you get into the program." "Oh no" was her reply, "It's really like my dad's fault that I haven't started dental school because I'm like waiting for him to just buy a school or something so that I can get in." Right!

The conversation went on but I'll spare you the details. Thankfully the childhood friend that I had been talking to before going to sleep and then got confused in my dreams was Kristi Kinard (Bittle) and not Paris Hilton and she does not want to go to dental school as she is a new mommy of the cutest little baby boy, Hudson.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope you guys are having some pleasant dreams. I'm always a willing listener if you want to share:) Jenny

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