Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In our homeschool, lately.

* handwork- it's all about potholders and finger knitting these days. We are reading the Kaya series (American Girl) and many other Native American stories and it has made us all want to use our hands more! I even started to knit, and last night got past the first row!;) 
* Books- Finished the Kit series and reading about the Great Depression, now on to Kaya and American Indians. Grimms Fairytales (Amelia can't get enough). Copious amounts of Roald Dahl with Joel...daddy is ready to move on but the children are not:) Sam is tackling the tougher Bob books and some Dr. Suess. I read The Dirty Life, a memoir about farming and loved it and Etched in Sand, an incredibly sad memoir about neglect and abuse.
Curriculum: Life of Fred for math, occasionally:), Explode the Code for phonics. Literature and life for everything else:) 
-Rhythm. That's what we have been working on. I feel like we had lost our way a bit.  It's hard but rewarding work. My favorite rewards lately have been dinner at home, no screen time other than family night, Jubilee napping, and Ollie joining us for circle time in the morning. Seeing the kiddos doing finger plays and songs with him and Jubilee is the sweetest. 
- Of course, Jubilee's "school" from now until kinder is listening to stories, being mama's helper, and playing!

* Other resources: 
Friday Waldorf program where they go for nature walks, bake, paint, craft, sing, play, etc:) 
Wild Wednesday program at the Ogden nature center.
Homeschool P.E.
Friends. Couldn't do it without them!

I hope to do this once a month or so to record what we are doing and also for when the two littles get older and I'm looking for ideas:). It's not always lovely, or easy, or peaceful. But sometimes it is. Enough of the time that I want to keep going, and I want to keep striving, and I want to keep living our days together. 

1 comment:

ann.e said...

All such great pictures!!! makes me want to be there learning with you guys (sorry I keep saying that)!!

Vera has the Kaya doll (she wants me to tell you that) - we don't have any of the books but this makes me want to get some from the library!

I've been in need of rhythm too, isn't it amazing how it makes everything go more smoothly. We have pretty smooth bedtimes lately and that makes me happy : ) Even Ruth seems to want to go to bed at the same time they do!

Anyway.... miss talking to you in person about all this, now I'm going to go shed some more tears about it.. : )