Saturday, December 31, 2011

Each new year is a surprise to us.

" Each new year is a surprise to us.
We find that we had virtually forgotten the note of each bird,
and when we hear it again, it is remembered like a dream,
reminding us of a previous state of existence...
The voice of nature is always encouraging."
Henry David Thoreau

We went for a hike today and it was glorious. On the way there my mind was feeling so cluttered, so full of check lists and things to improve on and on and on. Once we were on the trail my mind felt free and empty. I felt lighter and thankful. Thankful for God's gift of nature and for healthy bodies to enjoy it with and the relative warmth of the day. The kids were happier than I have seen them in quite a while. After our walk we went for a quick visit to the new natural history museum, which is incredible, and got to see a snake shedding it's skin! I mean it literally came off right before our eyes. What a great picture of what I hope this new year will bring. Appreciating that there is already so much beauty in my life, just shedding some stuff that inhibits joy. A new beginning. I love new beginnings. Lots of love, Jen

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