Tuesday, June 28, 2011

She jumped right in.

When one of my favorite play based learning blogs informed me that today was "International Mud Day", I knew that we needed to celebrate!:) We love mud around here. Especially Amelia. So, no surprise that once I filled the sand box with water, she jumped right in! She squished her feet in it (as did I, it felt so cool and good), she rubbed it all over herself, she even found two snails, a rolly polly, and multiple daddy long legs. Sam was having a "water freaks me out day" (you just never know), so he mostly observed with me. I told them all about how when I was little and it rained there would be a HUGE puddle in our front yard under the pecan tree and how my dad and brothers and I would run and slide into it and be so muddy that you can only see our eyes:) They thought that was pretty great. I'm so thankful to have grown up in the country, where mud and fields and rocks and hay bales and old cow pens and woods were part of our daily existence.

After the splashing had subsided, my dreamy boy greatly enjoyed finding all kinds of sea creatures in the clouds:)

A lovely hour spent outside before bath and dinner and bedtime arrived:)
All for now, Jen

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