Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sitting in my mama's cozy cabin watching the babes sleep on a makeshift bed made from two couches pushed together, covered with many blankets and books and dolls and trucks. I feel so thankful as I look at them sleeping. Thankful to be spending so much time with my family, thankful to be in this warm room rocking away while the rain drizzles down outside. Thankful that the babes have been sleeping so well in all of these new places. Thankful for the new library of rich and enlightening books I got for Christmas...books are such treasures to me. They inspire and inform and encourage and entertain and uplift...oh do I love them. At the moment I am reading one called, "Pocketful of Pinecones" about studying nature with your children. It is written as a fictional story of a mother who is homeschooling her children in the 1930's using the principals of Charlotte Mason. So, the book is meant to be a practical picture of what Nature Study and Mason's other ideals look like in day to day life, but is also a sweet story about a family. So far, I'm loving it. It isn't a great work of literature or anything (I'm sorry if the author happens upon this someday), but it is giving me some great ideas to remember for our future studies.

I guess I'll close for now. The warm fire is making me in a rambling mood and I could just go on forever. I'll just say that we have had several wonderful Christmas celebrations and I have just loved spending time at the Hunt's,at Anna's, at Shanyn and Tim's, at my grandparents, at JM and Tara's, at Bub and Robins, and at my mamas. Such unique and special experiences at each home we get to spend time in!


Anonymous said...

My cabin runneth over and I love it!
one content Mammy :)

Court said...

So glad that you guys have been able to see all your family and spend quality time with everyone. I know my mom & dad got to see you...wish I could've seen you too. Next time :)