Sunday, July 09, 2006

Islands, bird shows, and Strawberry Shortcake--It's been a busy week!

Mom and I went with my ESL class to Antelope Island. It is an island on the Great Salt Lake and we had a great time exploring it. We hiked, saw lots of buffalo, learned about it's history, and had a fun time chatting with the students. Oh, and we did this...
I may look calm and happy holding this harmless snake but I was FREAKING out inside. I had to be brave for the students so this was my "everything is fine, I love holding snakes" face:) One of them freaked out and screamed bloody murder and ran away--that's really how I was feeling inside.
Here's the crew.
Mom, on the other hand, "used to play with snakes all the time when she was little" and didn't mind at all that it was slithering towards her face!
Mom,dad and I went to the Tracy Bird Aviary which is at the park across the street. It was really fun and this is mom and dad at the bird show. Many of you know how much mom loves flamingos, so you can imagine how excited she was to find this visor in the gift shop.She has never been afraid of wearing "daring" headgear. Think reindeer antlers with blinking lights for Christmas:)
Mom and dad with the flamingos.
Then there was my surprise Strawberry Shortcake birthday party. It was a bit early but we wanted to celebrate before dad left. It was so much fun and I got some fabulous gifts that I'll show you once I take some pictures of them. The party included lots of KFC. Hey, it's my party and I can eat KFC if I want to!:)My grandma always wanted KFC for her birthday party and I figure someone must carry on the tradition. Plus, I love it. There, I admitted it.
Dad at the party:)
More birthday decor. Those are delicious chocolate dipped strawberries to go with the theme----so cute!

Sorry it took so long for me to update, oh loyal readers, but we've been busy as you can see! Hope you enjoyed the little picture journal of our adventures...I would write more but it's late and I'm sleepy so I'll try and write again soon, Jenny

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